45 year old high risk blood cancer patient got new life brother donated stem cells

These patients were very lucky because the patient and her sibling were 100% BMT matches, however, the chances of a 100% BMT match in siblings are only 25-30%. At the same time, in the present scenario, the chances of finding perfectly matched siblings in families in India with one or two children are further reduced. 
45 year old high risk blood cancer patient got new life brother donated stem cells
Noida. Doctors at Fortis Hospital successfully treated a 45 year old patient suffering from High Risk Blood Cancer. Because blood cancer had reached a high risk condition, immediate treatment was needed to save the patient. Being a high-risk case, using chemotherapy alone was insufficient and the risk of worsening of the case was high. The patient was successfully treated by a team of doctors led by Dr Rahul Bhargava, Director and HOD of Hematology at Fortis Noida. 

This cancer patient came to the hospital with symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, fever and body aches. The detailed test report revealed that the patient is suffering from high risk cancer and needs immediate treatment. Due to the aggressive nature of the cancer, the cancer burden was reduced with the help of first induction chemotherapy and supportive care to control the cancer cells and detailed screening of the patient was done for bone marrow transplant. Genetic and mutation testing of the patient was done.

Dr Rahul Bhargava said, “The patient was in dire need of a full match bone marrow transplant. Fortunately, the patient's elder brother's bone marrow matched perfectly and he agreed to donate stack cells to save his sister's life. The patient became completely cancer free after 3 months of bone marrow transplant done by the team at Fortis Hospital. The patient now feels grateful to God and his family." 

With medical advances in the field of hematology and stem cell transplant, bone marrow transplant is emerging as the best treatment option for incurable and malignant cancers. Bone marrow is the soft fatty tissue inside the bones that circulates in the blood cells. The procedure is divided into two parts- allogeneic (any donor with a tissue match) and autologous (where stem cells are taken from the patient's body). During the BMT procedure, the damaged or destroyed bone marrow is replaced by healthy bone marrow. needs to be changed from. The most important task in this is to match the cells of the patient and the donor. 

Dr Anupam Sharma, Consultant Hematology at Fortis Hospital Noida said that in such high risk cases, bone marrow transplant plays an important role in the treatment of the patient. During a Bone Mauro transplant, the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are completely destroyed. Due to low immunity at this time, the patient is like a newborn baby, which is susceptible to infection. Stabilizing the patient during BMT is a major challenge in itself with respect to the management of various complications and infections. Transferring stem cells from a different person to the patient's body and then approval is crucial for a successful transplant.

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